Monday, March 1, 2010


So we have had alot going on. Which has been good for me. I still have those good and bad days. More good than bad. When May comes I don't know how things will be. Its been hard seeing people pregnant and knowing that it isn't happening to me. We went to the dr in Tucson that delivered logan and she has done alot of research on hellp syndrome and why it happened to me. She thinks I have a blood clotting disorder, and that is why my blood pressure went so bad. So I had alot of test done and we go back in 2 weeks to get the results. Justin has also been so busy, he had his 10th birthday! I cant.
believe he is growing up so fast. He also had pine wood derby for the last time and he had to go and win 1st!!
Pine wood derby finals here we come! Well the mountain had lots of snow this year and
so we made the trek up and had so much fun. JJ's sister and her family, and his brother and his family and mom came The kids had so much fun, till it was all over and the wet clothes had to come off. Gosh it was cold on the toes.

Well we have alot coming up to. My baby sister is getting married in may and that we are looking forwards to. Plus I have to fit into a brides maid dress, so you know what that means, DIET!!! Wish me luck!! Kashlee's birthday, and some fun things for her.


Amy said...

I understand how it feels to see pregnant people and babies and wish you had one too.
I can't imagine what you've been through but my heart goes out to you.

Unknown said...

I too have bad days, but like you, thankfully it's more good than bad. I'm not really looking forward to May either, I don't know what it will be like! Ugh!!! Can we skip that month, or sleep through it atleast? We will get through it though, we will!

Patrice said...

I'm glad that time lessens the pain. I am sure you will always miss your sweet baby.

You have such a great family!

Marilyn said...

When is your sister getting married? Steve's wedding day is May 20th. Must be a month for weddings!